KateRPlay Prompts Camwhore’s Littlest Customer

Camwhore’s Littlest Customer

You’ve been coming to my room for months now. At first you said you didn’t have a camera, so you just had me get naked so you could watch me on my camera while we chatted. Instead of having me perform for you, we just talked, which was nice. You had me talk about my boyfriends and the things I have done with them.

Then one day you turned on your camera, which apparently you had the whole time, but you just didn’t want me to see you. Which is understandable, because you’re so young! I could see that you were really scared that day, worried about how I would react, and definitely I was totally shocked. But I figured, what’s the harm? You’ve already seen me plenty. Your credit card account says you’re forty, so you must be using your dad’s card. The video isn’t recorded anywhere, so who will know? Just you and me.

It took a couple more days before you were brave enough to let me see you naked. You’re so cute! And you’re so shy with your dick out, it’s so adorable! You would jerk off while we chatted, and then you would cum. I didn’t even know it was possible for a boy your age to cum. After a few weeks, you started having me play with my pussy a little while I talked to you. The thing is, even though you were stroking yourself and getting off to me, you were still just as sweet to me as always.

Then one day, I held a contest. My customers could pay for a chance to meet me and appear on camera with me, and the whole day we would do whatever my other customers in the room told us to do. It was supposed to be a drawing, but really it was just a list of names. And your name was on it.

I couldn’t resist. I picked you.

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